Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Meaning of Dream

The Meaning of Dream

Do we dream in order to sleep or do we sleep in order to dream?

Is the dream a normal concomitant and possible preserver only of Rapid Eye Movement sleep?

Are we not yet in a position to state decisively what the relationship is between psychological dream, phases of sleep, and other altered states of consciousness?

Dream is a universal human experience. The upsurge of dream and sleep studies have spurred efforts at interdisciplinary integration and re-evaluation of psychoanalytic dream theory. Since the beginning of humankind, we have been searching to understand the meaning of dreams. The Egyptians believed dreams possessed oracular power. In the Bible, Joseph's elucidation of Pharaoh's dream averted seven years of famine. Other cultures have interpreted dreams as inspirational, curative or alternative reality.

Bo one knows for sure why we dreams but some suggests that the function of dreams is the expression of unconscious wishes, physiological function and is a process information and emotions.

Since few centuries ago, scientists have been offering various explanation and neuroscientific explanations for dreams. Evaluation of the manifest dream is one of the areas of psychoanalytic. Nowadays, human has been equating the manifest of dream with neurotic symptom. In 1900, with the publication of The Interpretation of Dreams, Sigmund Freud proposed that dreams were the "royal road" to the unconscious, that they revealed in disguised form the deepest elements of an individual's inner life.

You might wonder if you can seek your fortunes in the enigmatic images of dreams. We as dream interpreters respond by shedding light on the darker realm where elusive laws of fiction give birth to infinite possibility. The phenomena of dream involves events that are not experienced in the waking world; you might experience sudden shift of time and place, changes in age, the presence of persons known to be deceased or of fantastic persons and animals that never existed.

Someone who is angry at a friend but finds the anger quickly waning may dream of being furious at the friend. Someone who was quite well adapted socially, in the community, family and work areas of life may dream that an impressive voice said “You are not leading your true life!” Such dreams would deeply affect you for very long time and may completely burdening you as you may not actually know the significant of your dream. Thus, it is important that you allow us to help to derive real meaning of your dream and ultimately, derive the benefit of interpreting your dream.

So, let us interpret your dream for you at absolutely free of charge. All you have to do is write in detail, about what you see or hear or smell in your dream. Basically, tell us as much as possible, whatever you had experienced in the dream. Send us your dream detail by emailing to Also, it would be helpful if you can describe your physical to us, including your marital status, racial/ethnic background, socioeconomic status and health developmental stage.

When you submit your dream interpretation the following information should be given:
a) Location of the dream
b) Person involves in the dream
c) Objects you encounter in the dream
d) Time in the dream any specific time
e) Experience in the dreams (feeling)
f) Activities in the dream (what has been done)
g) Frequency of repeating of the dream
h) Any experience you encountered in the dream? Share the experience.
The answers will be published in the blog without writing your name. Come back to this blog to get your answer!!

To help you recall you memory as much as possible, you do the followings:
- Avoid alcohol
- Instruct yourself to remember your dream before going to sleep
- Keep a notebook beside your bed and write your dream as soon as you awake. You may speak about your dream into a recorder
- Try to sleep as long as you can
- Try to waking without alarm
- Rehearse the dream before getting up
- Don’t pressure to remember


As no dream is directly conveyed, dream interpretation relies on the retelling of a dream that displaces whatever may have inspired it. Please understand that to recall a dream is to generate a narrative based heterogeneous material. Interpretation translates the dream to text into new texts and contexts. While no dream is ever fully transcribed or understood, an interpretation may serve limited ends when it is incites a dreamer to change.

The most skilful interpreter of dreams is he who has the faculty of observing resemblances
- Aristotle

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