Friday, December 4, 2009

Understand Personality through Graphology

Understand Personality through Graphology

Dr Leow Chee Seng,

Regional Director of British Institute of Homeopathy (BIH)

MMIM, MIMM, CAHRP, Certified Stress Management Consultant, USA, Fellow of BIH (UK)

Understand a person personality through handwriting? It seems impossible but it does. Personality inventory can be catagoriesed to projective and non projective (Kathleen, 1978). Projective personality inventory uses pictures or diagrams to capture response from the respondent. Hence, this method is a subjective form of personality inventory. Graphology is a projective personality test.

What is graphology?

Graphology or handwriting analysis is a science of interpreting a person's character from his/her personal handwriting. The term graphology comes from two Greek words that mean to learn something about writing and the inferring of character or aptitude from it. Think of handwriting as a type of EEG (brain wave recording) of personality. In fact, some handwriting analysts describe “brainwriting” could be a more descriptive term than handwriting analysis. Graphology can analyze a person's personality without the person’s knowledge that he is being analyzed. Through this method we can reduce the possibility of inaccuracies due to conscious or unconscious effort by the subject to affect the result. Distortion of the result due to the subject's knowledge that he is being analyzed is common in most common of personality analysis tools.

The Strength of Graphology?

It is interesting what your handwriting is able to tell you. Graphology is used wide in varied application. The common usage of graphology is application in vocational guidance. While graphology cannot point to a specific career on the basis of a handwriting sample, it can certainly point someone in the right direction, or away from the wrong direction, based on personality, abilities and inclinations.

Besides vocational guidance, a handwriting analysis of both partners can confirm compatibilities, point out potential trouble spots and help the couple to understand and accept each other’s weaker points. On the other hand, teachers often find they can bring out better behavior in problem students.

People who investigate genealogy have used the service of graphologists to help them better understand their ancestors through an analysis of their handwriting. Graphologist can track clients’ progress in therapy, and some law enforcement agencies use handwriting analysis to determine dangerousness in suspect, as well as truthfulness of victim and witness statements.

Recently, graphology is being used increasingly by employees or assessment centre to help in personnel selection. It is especially used at the short-list stage and to small business. Small company, in particular, need to avoid friction and personality clashes between staff as well as getting the right person for the right job. Some candidates are better at interviews than at their job while other blow their chances through nervousness. A handwriting analysis can give a more complete picture.

Practical Graphology

In practical, it's better to use graphology to analyze the handwriting of a pure untainted subject , rather than to put the subject under unnatural stress of a long questionnaire. Furthermore, a single personality questionnaire may reveal a single dimension of personality. However, with two handwriting samples of the same person at different occasion may reveals different behaviour characteristics.

In fact, handwriting analysis is an art. Each graphologist uses different style to analyse. I have designed my own worksheet to help me to complete my handwriting analysis. In fact, there are a lot of computer programs that offer the same service. However, I strongly believe, handwriting analysis is an art that needs human interpretation.

Worksheet of analysis

1. Regularity

11. Punctuation

21. Form of letters

2. Rhythm

12. Spacing between words

22. Speed

3. Size

13. Spacing between lines

23. Signature and underscore

4. Zones

14. Direction of the lines

24. “I”- dots and “t” bars

5. Connection, degree of connection, form of

15. Fullness and leanness

25. Personal pronoun I

6. Horizontal tension

16, Width of letters

26. Form level

7. Shading

17. Covering strokes

27. Reliability factors (if applicable)

8. Slant

18. Leftward and rightward tendencies

28. Tension and release (stress factors)

9. Pressure

19. Initial strokes

29. Degree of attention (deals with any characteristics that are not covered in the general worksheet. Eg: stimulus words, symbols, envelop if different from general spacing)

10. Margins

20. Terminal strokes

30. The analysis

Limitation of handwriting analysis

It is important to identify the limitation of handwriting analysis to avoid unrealistic expectations during analysis. From the handwriting analysis, we would not be able to determine the age or gender of the writer. What it actually does is to indicate masculine and femine influence which is present in both sexes. It reveals maturity rather than actual chronological age. Nor can graphology predict happenings and future events. From graphology, we can point to a person’s potential that needs to be brought out once they are made aware of it.

Get closer to Homeopathy

Get closer to Homeopathy

Dr Leow Chee Seng

Fellow of British Institute of Homeopathy,

Regional Director of British Institute of Homeopathy.

The media often refer to particular disease as being “incurable”, yet a lot of homeopaths are often consulted by patients who have those very same conditions, and who are well on the way to recovery once they have started homeopathic treatment. It is so sad that people do not realize homeopathy could help them and that they do not have to put up with so much unnecessary suffering. It is quite surprising how little people know about homeopathy. There are misunderstanding concepts that people think it is similar to herbalism or to do with nutrition and diet; sadly some other are simply dismissive or condescending about it without actually knowing what it is; and others think it is only suitable for minor ailments and that it is essential to take the “right” medicine for something serious. All such ideas are totally incorrect and invariably occur when people know little or nothing about homeopathy or its philosophy.

Needs of homeopathy

Homeopathy has been used since the late 18th century to treat a variety of conditions. A 1999 BBC telephone survey reported that 17% of a random selection of 1204 adults in Britain had used homeopathy in the previous year.

People tend to turn to homoeopathy or other alternative therapies because they have tried orthodox medicine and it has either failed them completely or they have had to cope with unpleasant or serious side effects from the drugs. Others have felt tired and below par for many years (symptoms which often precede more serious conditions) but, despite many tests and sometimes unpleasant investigations, it has not been possible for a diagnosis to be made for them. Since homoeopathy treats the individual as a whole, rather than just the disease, it is possible to treat people successfully who are feeling very unwell, in pain, or with unpleasant symptoms, but for whom there is as yet no orthodox diagnosis. In this way homoeopathy can prevent the onset of many serious conditions. Many things contribute to disease: the toxic load we acquire through daily life, weaknesses and tendencies towards certain diseases which we may inherit, and all sorts of stresses both emotional and physical — all these result in the body’s natural healing powers failing; the body runs out of the energy to heal itself and the homoeopathic remedy acts as a stimulus which boosts this energy and so assists in the healing process.

Definition of homeopathy

The word “homeopathy” is derived from two Greek words: “homoios” which means SIMILAR and “pathos” which means SUFFERING. Homeopathy’s basic premise is called the “principle of similars,” and it refers to recurrent observation and experience that a medicinal substance will elicit a healing response for the specific syndrome of symptoms (or suffering) that it has been proven to cause when given to healthy people in overdose.

Homoeopathic remedies are made in a very special way which involves giving only a very minute dose of the substance. This means that the remedies are not addictive, and do not have side effects.

Principle of homeopathy

The beauty of the principle of similars is that it not only initiates a healing response, but it encourages a respect for the body's wisdom. Because symptoms represent the best efforts of our body in its defenses against infection or stress, it makes sense to utilize a medicine that helps and mimics this defense rather than that inhibits or suppresses it. The principle of similars may be one of nature's laws that, when used well, can be one of our most sophisticated healing strategies.

It is important to note that immunizations and allergy treatments are two of the very few applications in modern medicine today that actually stimulate the body’s own defenses in the prevention or treatment of specific diseases, and it is NOT simply a coincidence that both of these treatments are derived from the homeopathic principle of similars.

How does Homeopathy works?

The human body is truly amazing! It possesses the capability to heal itself in many situations. Even long-standing complaints can be reversed once the body knows how to heal itself.

This is a very important concept to grasp. The homeopathic remedy does not itself cure sickness or alleviate symptoms. The remedy tells the vital force what is wrong and empowers the vital force to do something about it!

Homeopathy is based on the notion of treating like with like i.e. a substance that can cause certain symptoms can also be used to resolve similar symptoms. Patients are treated with very low dose preparations of substances, which produce symptoms similar to those experienced by the patient. Patients’ symptoms are then monitored, and treatment is adjusted accordingly. As a result treatment is highly individualised and will vary from patient to patient and also between practitioners.

Conditions that are commonly treated with homeopathy include the following:

· where there is no known diagnosis and tests are normal but the patient feels unwell

· chronic conditions where there may be poor prognosis without sufficiently effective treatments

· conditions where drug treatments are poorly tolerated or contra-indicated

· those who suffer from repeated episodes of acute illnesses

Now, there are two organisations in Malaysia that provide information and promote homeopathy practice, British Institute of Homeopathy, Malaysia Regional Office and The Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia.

Negative Impact for Being Unhappy

Negative Impact for Being Unhappy

Dr Leow Chee Seng

Senior consultant, Yale Consultancy Sdn Bnd

“Why should we feel sad? How many ten years do we have in our life?”

It is hard to define the term happiness. In general, happiness is a state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment, love, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy. A variety of philosophical, religious, psychological and biological approaches have striven to define happiness and identify its sources.

Philosophers and religious thinkers often define happiness in terms of living a good life, or flourishing, rather than simply as an emotion. Happiness in this older sense was used to translate the Greek Eudemonia, and is still used in virtue ethics.

While direct measurement of happiness presents challenges, tools such as The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire have been developed by researchers. Positive psychology researchers use theoretical models that include describing happiness as consisting of positive emotions and positive activities, or that describe three kinds of happiness: pleasure, engagement, and meaning.

Research has identified a number of attributes that correlate with happiness: relationships and social interaction, extraversion, marital status, employment, health, democratic freedom, optimism, religious involvement, income and proximity to other happy people.

In fact, the association between unhappiness and disease is not a new one. In fact, this relationship bas been held to be intuitively valid for ages. In the event of perceived sadness, organs that are inner­vated by neural tissue or acted upon by the excessive secretion of stress hormones increase their metabolic rates. When denied the ability to rest, organs may begin to dysfunction, much like a car engine that overheats on a very hot day. Several states of disease and illness first appear as stress-related symptoms which, if unde­tected or untreated, may result in serious health prob­lems. The following are descriptions of the more com­mon ones.

Bronchial asthma is an illness in which a pro­nounced secretion of bronchial fluids causes a swelling of the smooth-muscle tissue of the large air passage ways (bronchi). The constriction of these passages produces a choking effect, where the individual feels as if he or she cannot breathe. Asthmatic attacks can be severe enough to send someone to the hospital and, in some cases are even fatal. Several studies have linked the onset of asthmatic attacks with anxiety; others have linked it with an overprotective childhood. Currently drugs (e.g.. prednisone) are the first method of treatment. However, relaxation techniques, in­cluding mental imagery, autogenic training, and meditation, may be just as effective in both delay­ing the onset and reducing the severity of these attacks.

Tension headaches. Tension headaches are pro­duced by sympathetic-mediated contractions of muscles of the forehead, eyes, neck, and jaw. Ten­sion usually builds as the parasympathetic inhibi­tion of muscular contraction gives way to sympa­thetic drive, increasing the state of muscular contraction. Increased pain results from increased contraction of these muscles. Lower back pain can also result from the same process. Although pain relievers such as aspirin are the most common source of relief, tension headaches have also been shown to dissipate with the use of meditation, mental imagery, and biofeedback.

Migraine headaches. Unlike a tension headache, which is produced by nervous tension in the facial muscles, a migraine headache is a vascular head­ache. The word migraine literally means “half a skull,” and usually when a migraine occurs, the sensation of pain occupies either the right or left side of the head but not both. Migraines are thought to be the result of a sympathetic response to the baroreceptors of the carotid artery, which undergo a rapid constriction (prodrome) followed by a rapid dilation. During the dilation phase, blood quickly moves in from the periphery to flood the cerebral vasculature. The change in vas­cular pressure combined with humoral secretions is considered the cause of the intense pain so often associated with migraines. Symptoms can include a flash of light followed by intense throbbing, diz­ziness, and nausea. It is interesting to note that mi­graines do not occur in the midst of a stressor, but rather hours later. Migraines are thought to be re­lated to the inability to express anger and frustra­tion. Although several medications are prescribed for migraines, current research indicates that bio­feedback and mental imagery can be equally effec­tive, with fewer side effects.

Temporornandibular joint dysfunction. Excessive contraction of the jaw muscles can lead to a phe­nomenon called temporomandibular joint dys­function or TMJ. In many cases, people are unaware that they have this illness because it occurs during sleep. But when they make a trip to the dentist, they find that they are showing signs of clenching and grinding their teeth (bruxism). Other symptoms include muscle pain, clicking or popping sounds when chewing, as well as tension headaches and earaches. Like migraines, TMJ is often associated with the inability to express feel­ings of anger. However, there are other behaviors which are also associated with this symptom, in­cluding excessive gum chewing, resting one’s chin on a hand, even nail biting. Severe cases require that a mouth brace be worn at night. Relaxation techniques, including biofeedback and progressive muscular relaxation, have been shown to be effec­tive in decreasing the muscular tension associated with TMJ.

Irritable bowel syndrome. lBS is characterized by re­peated bouts of abdominal pain or tenderness, cramps, diarrhea, nausea, constipation, and exces­sive flatulence. It is often considered a result of ex­cessive sympathetic neural stimulation to one or more areas of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. While symptoms may vary from person to person, this stress—related disorder is most commonly associ­ated with anxiety and depression. One reason why lBS is considered so closely related to stress is that -the hypothalamus, which controls appetite regula­tion (hunger and satiety), is closely associated with emotional regulation as well. Various diets and medications may be prescribed, depending on the nature of the symptoms. Several recent studies have employed various types of relaxation and cognitive skills, including thermal biofeedback, progressive muscular relaxation, mental imagery, cognitive reappraisal, and behavioral modification

Our lives are filled with one blessing after another. Sometimes it’s easy to take them for granted. Here are some ways to be a thankful person and stay happily. First, Begin each day with a ‘gratitude moment.’ “Gratitude is born in hearts that take time to count up past mercies,” noted Charles Edward Jefferson. Every day when you first rise, make time to reflect on the blessings in your life and express thanks. Besides, Offer gratitude throughout the day. First thing, in your day, write down things you’re thankful for. Then throughout the day, think about those things. It will make you happy. On the other hand, express your appreciation. People are quick to call in with a complaint but not as many people take the time to express appreciation. Yet, a verbal or written expression of thanks delivers a blessing to the one receiving it as well as the one giving thanks.

To sum up, we should be happy every day. We would not be able to know when we will leave this die. Enjoy every moment in our life and appreciate everything next to us. Appreciation is one of the important elements in our life. We are living in a uncertainty and full of challenging world. We could not predict what would happen in our life every day. Do appreciate whoever next to you. Close your eyes for a few seconds. Try to feel whatever is next to you. You will feel that everything in this world is transforming. Try to appreciate others strength and not only looking in the weakness. You will be more appreciating if u follow it...... Individual in this society can be described as molecules in atmosphere. Some molecules are bonded with strong electrostatic bond but some are bonded with weak Van Der Waals forces. Perhaps you should close your eyes and feel what is next to you. Actually, you will find everything around is transforming. This can be explained by using triple point of phase diagram where solids, liquids and gases reach equilibrium. In short, happy to get know all of you may god wish our bond and relationship to be everlasting.