Friday, December 4, 2009

Understand Personality through Graphology

Understand Personality through Graphology

Dr Leow Chee Seng,

Regional Director of British Institute of Homeopathy (BIH)

MMIM, MIMM, CAHRP, Certified Stress Management Consultant, USA, Fellow of BIH (UK)

Understand a person personality through handwriting? It seems impossible but it does. Personality inventory can be catagoriesed to projective and non projective (Kathleen, 1978). Projective personality inventory uses pictures or diagrams to capture response from the respondent. Hence, this method is a subjective form of personality inventory. Graphology is a projective personality test.

What is graphology?

Graphology or handwriting analysis is a science of interpreting a person's character from his/her personal handwriting. The term graphology comes from two Greek words that mean to learn something about writing and the inferring of character or aptitude from it. Think of handwriting as a type of EEG (brain wave recording) of personality. In fact, some handwriting analysts describe “brainwriting” could be a more descriptive term than handwriting analysis. Graphology can analyze a person's personality without the person’s knowledge that he is being analyzed. Through this method we can reduce the possibility of inaccuracies due to conscious or unconscious effort by the subject to affect the result. Distortion of the result due to the subject's knowledge that he is being analyzed is common in most common of personality analysis tools.

The Strength of Graphology?

It is interesting what your handwriting is able to tell you. Graphology is used wide in varied application. The common usage of graphology is application in vocational guidance. While graphology cannot point to a specific career on the basis of a handwriting sample, it can certainly point someone in the right direction, or away from the wrong direction, based on personality, abilities and inclinations.

Besides vocational guidance, a handwriting analysis of both partners can confirm compatibilities, point out potential trouble spots and help the couple to understand and accept each other’s weaker points. On the other hand, teachers often find they can bring out better behavior in problem students.

People who investigate genealogy have used the service of graphologists to help them better understand their ancestors through an analysis of their handwriting. Graphologist can track clients’ progress in therapy, and some law enforcement agencies use handwriting analysis to determine dangerousness in suspect, as well as truthfulness of victim and witness statements.

Recently, graphology is being used increasingly by employees or assessment centre to help in personnel selection. It is especially used at the short-list stage and to small business. Small company, in particular, need to avoid friction and personality clashes between staff as well as getting the right person for the right job. Some candidates are better at interviews than at their job while other blow their chances through nervousness. A handwriting analysis can give a more complete picture.

Practical Graphology

In practical, it's better to use graphology to analyze the handwriting of a pure untainted subject , rather than to put the subject under unnatural stress of a long questionnaire. Furthermore, a single personality questionnaire may reveal a single dimension of personality. However, with two handwriting samples of the same person at different occasion may reveals different behaviour characteristics.

In fact, handwriting analysis is an art. Each graphologist uses different style to analyse. I have designed my own worksheet to help me to complete my handwriting analysis. In fact, there are a lot of computer programs that offer the same service. However, I strongly believe, handwriting analysis is an art that needs human interpretation.

Worksheet of analysis

1. Regularity

11. Punctuation

21. Form of letters

2. Rhythm

12. Spacing between words

22. Speed

3. Size

13. Spacing between lines

23. Signature and underscore

4. Zones

14. Direction of the lines

24. “I”- dots and “t” bars

5. Connection, degree of connection, form of

15. Fullness and leanness

25. Personal pronoun I

6. Horizontal tension

16, Width of letters

26. Form level

7. Shading

17. Covering strokes

27. Reliability factors (if applicable)

8. Slant

18. Leftward and rightward tendencies

28. Tension and release (stress factors)

9. Pressure

19. Initial strokes

29. Degree of attention (deals with any characteristics that are not covered in the general worksheet. Eg: stimulus words, symbols, envelop if different from general spacing)

10. Margins

20. Terminal strokes

30. The analysis

Limitation of handwriting analysis

It is important to identify the limitation of handwriting analysis to avoid unrealistic expectations during analysis. From the handwriting analysis, we would not be able to determine the age or gender of the writer. What it actually does is to indicate masculine and femine influence which is present in both sexes. It reveals maturity rather than actual chronological age. Nor can graphology predict happenings and future events. From graphology, we can point to a person’s potential that needs to be brought out once they are made aware of it.


Bsim said...

What a great discovery. Salute you Dr Leow.

Bsim said...

What a great discovery. Salute you Dr Leow.

Hilter Yew

handwriting analysis said...

Thanks for sharing this useful information with us.Handwriting analysis is a way that reveals all about your personality, your strength, competency area, weakness and lots more. Graphology Test helps you in choosing a career simply rectifying your core power skills.