Monday, April 20, 2009

Unbeatable Silent Killer within You “Stress” - Don’t Just Cope With It, Beat It.

Dr Leow Chee Seng
Certified Stress Consultant Professional (US)
Fellow of British Institute of Homeopathy (UK)

If you were to browse through any newspapers or magazines prior to 1970, you would be hard-pressed to find the word stress in text or the headline. The stress phenomenon becomes an epidemic that the word “stress” now is used as commonly as the term “health” and “medicine”. Current estimation shows that 70 and 80 percents of all visits to physicians are for stress related disorders which the most notably chronic diseases such as coronary heart-disease and hypertension. Besides, common cold, migraine, warts, female infertility, ulcers and insomnia is directly associated to stress because stress affects our immune system.

Unfortunately, not many people understand the concept of stress. Most of us have wrong concept towards stress. We assume all stress are bad for us. In fact, there are three types of stress, eustress, neustress and distress. Eustress is good stress that motivates us to complete a task or work. Getting married might be an example of eustress; meeting our prime minister to get an award may also be a type of eustress. I would relate eustress situation with enjoyable and not threatening. Neustress is a type of stimuli that does not have consequences effect where it is not catagorised as good or bad. News of an earthquake in China might fall into this category especially who are not staying in that area. Turning to third type of stress distress, is considered as bad and often is abbreviated as stress.

In fact, we are facing with stress each day, acute stress and chronic stress. Acute stress is quite intense and disappears quickly. Chronic stress is not so intense but prolong for a long period of time. Let’s share with you one example. I was using cell phone to send messages (SMS) to my brother, there was a police car pulled up behind me and flashed blue lights. My heart was racing, palms were sweating. In fact, they were trying to tell me my tire was flat. After that, my heart was calm, palms dried and started to sing the song on the radio. The threat is over. The intensity of the acute stress may seem cataclysmic, but it is just short period of time. Chronic stressors are not so intense but unbearably long. For example, being stuck with the “team mates from hell,” a credit card bills that seems to grow despite monthly payment, maintaining a relationship with wife, husband that seems bad to stay in but worse to leave.

Learning to enjoy challenge of stress will take practice. It can be fun, as you have the ability to cope and enjoy life. In fact, stress management is very much like learning to ride a bicycle. At first you need training wheels or someone to guide you. Later, after practice, you are able to take the training hells off and ride the bicycle alone. However, remember that stress management training is not a cure-all. Instead, it is a change in lifestyle and a new way of viewing the world. In this article, I will share with you the basic concept of stress management including body awareness, effective breathing techniques, visualization, and rational emotive behavior therapy. In fact, there are many other methods to control stress like thought stopping, meditation, worry control, panic attacks, stress inoculation techniques, learned optimism and others. In fact, during clinical session and training, I would use combination of methods instead of one depending on the severity, personality and behavior of the person.

Body awareness is the first step toward acknowledging and reducing stress. The ability to recognize how your body reacts to the stressors in our can be a powerful skill. Most of us more aware of weather, time of day, bank balance, children education than they are of the tension in their own bodies or their personal stress response. Your body registers stress long before the conscious mind does. In this session, I recommend them to do body inventory, stress awareness diary and record of general tension. In body inventory, we will use body awareness method to identify areas of tension. The following steps to conduct body inventory. First, we have to focus on external world. For example, “I am aware of radio is on, fan is moving, dark brown sofa next to me and there are a lot of books on the table.” Then, shift to focus on your body and physical sensation which is known as internal world. “I can feel my bladder is full, eyes are tired and neck muscle is tensed”. Relate the internal and external environment. “I am aware the wind is blowing my hair”. Through this method, you would appreciate between inner and outer worlds. In this exercise, I would always encourage participant to conduct “body scanning” exercise. This exercise is rather simple. You just have to close your eyes. Starting with your roes and moving up body, then ask myself, where am I tense. When we have discovered a tense area, exaggerate it slightly so you can become aware of it. Then say to yourself, “I am tensing my leg muscle … I am hurting myself … I am creating tension in my body.” Turning to stress awareness diary, we would like participants to record time, stress event and symptoms during the event. Through this method, we will be able to identify and keep track on stress event.

Effective breathing techniques help to reduce stress. Breathing awareness and good breathing habits enhance your psychological and physical well-being. To practice it, you have to sit or lay down. Make sure the place is comfortable. Breathe in deeply into your abdomen. Let yourself pause before you exhale. You may count “One … Two… Three….. “ when you inhale and exhale. Notice your breathing gradually slowing, your body relaxing and you mind calming as you practice this breathing technique. In stress clinics, I always advice my patient to use alternative breathing especially for those who are suffering from tension or sinus headaches. This can be done through sitting in a comfortable place with a good posture. Then, place your index and second figure of your right hand on your forehead and close your right nostril with your thumb. Inhale slowly and soundlessly through your left nostril. After that, close your left nostril with your ring finger and simultaneously open you right nostril by removing your thumb. Exhale slowly and soundlessly through your right nostril. Close your right nostril with your thumb and open your left nostril. Exhale through your left nostril. Finally inhale through your left nostril and repeat the exercise. Try it out and you will get unbelievable result!

Besides, you can use the enormously powerful gift by our creator – visualization. Usually we will combine this technique with rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT). Several researches have been conducted among cancer patients through visualization. From the research, the researcher found that the imagination for exceed that of the will. Sometimes, it is difficult to let yourselves in a relaxed state, but you can imagine relaxation spreading through your body, and you can visualize yourself in a beautiful beach or a waterfall. In clinical psychology session, this technique is used for pain management among cancer patients. This method stimulates our subconscious mind and our body becomes more energetic. For example, I have a patient who has phobia towards smell of fish. Every time when he visits a wet market, he would bath and continue to wash his hands until sometimes he hurt his hands and. I would associate this behavior with obsessive-compulsive behavior. During psychotherapy session, I asked him to imagine that he visited a wet market. Then, encouraged him slowly and gradually to move to the fish stalls. He was so hesitate to move there. After a support and encouragement, he imaged to walk forward the stall. Then, I requested him to pick a fish. Subsequently, I explained to him the rationale not to be afraid of fish and the smell and I requested him to notice how he did that. Finally, he has to change his self-talk in their imagination.

Remember, you have a choice to stress or not to stress. It is good if you are able to detect and overcome the stress before this silent killer attacks you. Let’s create a stress free environment and build up authentic happiness within us.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

What Doctor Wound Not Tell You About Anti Aging

Dr. Leow Chee Seng
Fellow of British Institute Homeopathy (UK)
Certified Stress Management Professional (US)

Since the dawn of time, mankind has searched for a mythological fountain of youth. Anti aging secrets are spoken of in the very earliest myths and legends. Pretty much every culture has myths about immortal heroes who found some sort of rejuvenating herb, device or potion that allow them to stay young forever – or at least for a very long time. For example, a Chinese legend described the emperor of Qing Dynasty, Shih Huang Ti who ordered his warriors to hunt for longevity potions for him but failed. In this universe, no one wants to die, and no one wants to grow old. It is no wonder that ideas about anti aging secrets are so widespread all over the world.

Sorting out the real anti aging secrets from all the myths, however, can be quite a task. For all we know, the secrets to anti aging could be well guarded so that they don't fall into the wrong hands. Who knows if somewhere, in an isolated village up in the mountains, a whole tribe of people have learned how to live for hundreds, or even thousands of years? If they knew how to do that, would they share the anti aging secret with the rest of us? Or would they keep their precious anti aging treatment to themselves?

I have visited several places in Mediterranean; I observed that, the life expectancy of the people there is higher than other countries. A qualitative research is conducted on their lifestyle and eating habits and I found that people who eat Mediterranean diets tend to live longer, healthier lives. It is not because they are necessarily wiser or smarter, but because they live in an area where certain foods grow, and have developed a specific lifestyle that contributes to longevity. Olive oil, grapes, a diet high in vegetables and fish, and many other aspects of the Mediterranean diet contribute to good health and long life.
When I was conducting a public seminar, a participant asked me how we could identify if a person has undergone degenerative process or getting old. The traditional designation for old age is 65 years old. Even a judge retires at the age of 65. (Constitutional Law, Article 125). In fact, many people are vigorous and active at 65. Some researchers refer aging in the area of biological age. Biological age refers to changes in the body that commonly occur as people age. For example, vision and hearing ability reduces as we age. Nowadays, we can observe that people biologically old at 40. Turning to psychological age, I would describe it as how a person would feel and at his emotional stage. For example, a 75-year-old who works, participates in different activities are considered as psychologically young.

As we age, hormonal levels diminish and our skin, muscles and bones begin to deteriorate. A good anti aging diet should stimulate hormone production and promote strength and flexibility. Many of the studies and research done lately about anti-aging and anti disease nutrition has focused on the nutrients known as antioxidants. Antioxidant helps to reverse the oxidation process or slow down the oxidation process to the cells. Scientists are beginning to understand the preventive qualities of antioxidants but the average person have not yet understand what antioxidants do or what they are.

Before further discussion on antioxidants, it is a good idea to expose the concept of aging. Aging starts when a person is born. An infant develops and matures into an adult. During human development, the aging process changes and decline in function that ultimately leads to death. There are several factors which lead to degeneration of cells including chemicals, radiation, environment, drugs and toxins, emotional stages, stress and other factors. In the area of histology, many cells die or undergo apoptosis due to the replacing old cells with new ones and eliminating excess cells. The cells die because they can only divide for a limited number of times. When a cell stops dividing, the cells enlarge and die. Hence, aging process starts.

The oxidation process contributes to aging. In a chemistry perspective, oxidation is a process where chemical releases or donate electrons to form cathions. Several researches have been conducted on oxygen gas as an oxidation agent. Oxygen gas releases by plants through photosynthesis and we need them for survival. However, oxygen gas produces by-product that is harmful to our health. Now, many clinical researches are conducted in order to overcome the effect of oxidation process to cells. These researches include methods to slow down oxidation process or eliminate oxidation process acts on the cells. For example, Dr. Musalmah Mazlan a lecturer from medical faculty, UKM and Associate Prof Maznah Ismail from medical faculty, UPM are actively involved in research on antioxidant.

The role of antioxidant towards our health is justified. When you walk into a pharmacy, you can buy different brands of supplement. However, how effective is the role of a supplement with antioxidant is questionable. Some of us have misunderstood on the importance of balanced diet. Supplements can never be used to substitute balanced diet. Besides, beware that we can "over- supplement" our bodies by taking more than the recommended daily dosage of certain vitamins and minerals. For example, excessive of vitamin A and E (a type of fat soluble vitamins) is stored in liver and fatty tissues that derive to toxicity and diseases. However, I strongly believe in natural therapy where nutrients should be obtained from natural food.

In practical, we should eat high quantity of fruits and vegetables in order to obtain high level of antioxidant. Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of United States has identified twenty types of food with high antioxidant level.
1. Red beans
2. Wild blueberries
3. Red kidney beans
4. Pinto beans
5. Cultivated blueberries
6. Cranberries
7. Artichokes
8. Blackberries
9. Prunes
10. Raspberries
11. Strawberries
12. Red Delicious apples
13. Granny Smith apples
14. Pecans
15. Sweet cherries
16. Black plums
17. Russet potatoes
18. Black beans
19. Plums
20. Gala apples
However, in nutrition therapy session, I always encourage my clients to take diet rich in fruits, veggies, and whole grains. Since sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, cantaloupe and mangoes are great sources of antioxidants, it is recommended to consume them in the form of half cooked or even raw. Through this method, enzymes would not be destroyed by the heat during preparation process and the level of antioxidant remains at optimum level. According to Dr Charles Silverman, a natural therapist, we should take at least two types of food with high antioxidant to maintain our health and reduce aging process.

Psychological Stress accelerates aging process. Prof Dennis H. Novack, who studies the link between emotions and health at Drexel University College of Medicine in Philadelphia, found that during stress hypothalamus excretes adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH). The hormone shortens the telomere and the cells start to degenerate and aging starts. Stress management techniques such as breathing, progressive relaxation, mediation, visualisation should be used when there is an indicator of stress.

What is the relationship between exercise and anti-aging? Studies have shown that nothing works better to attain anti-aging effects than a regular exercise program. ‘Regular’ is the key word – unless your exercise routine is consistent, the process won’t have the same effect. Flexibility exercise is the important exercises to beat the aging process. It increases blood circulation and releases serotonin which is a chemical produced by the brain and is necessary for overall health and well-being. Flexibility exercises are also safe and easy to perform. Besides, strength Building exercise helps build sturdiness and sustain bone mass. Your chances of having a debilitating injury are lessened as you build your muscle strength. Exercises to improve the muscles in your shoulders, back and legs will also help with hormone production. Lastly I would recommend them for cardiovascular exercise. This aerobic exercise also helps fight depression and keep your weight down. Running, brisk walking and any other exercise that will increase your heart rate for a sustained period of time release brain chemicals that produce hormones.
The importance of good nutrition in order to keep away the early signs of aging, but the truth is that this is only the first step. Without a doubt antioxidants are a vital in our fight against diseases. We all agree that sometimes eating the right thing is difficult but when compared with pain and suffering that we can bring to ourselves by getting cancer, arthritis or arteriosclerosis, a bowl of salad and an orange seems like a very tasty choice. Don’t forget that the key element to be incorporated to our life-styles if we want to live longer and look younger is to reduce the amounts of chemicals, synthetics and over the counter drugs that we expose our bodies to.